azaroa 21, 2015

Irratiaren azken atala: KARMENGO ROKERO.


Bost irratsaio egin ditugu jada, eta ia musika-txokoaren atal guztiak ezagutu ditugu: Hilabetearen Konpositorea, Planeta Kuxku, Euskal Txokoa... Baina azkena falta zaigu: KARMENGO ROKERO! 

Hari esker, musika-estilo desberdinak ezagutuko ditugu: rock, pop, funk, heavy, reggae, blues, soul, rap, hip hop...

Aurkeztuko dizuedan lehenengo taldea "Extreme" deitzen da, eta bere musika-estiloa funky metal bada ere, azpiko bideoa balada akustiko bati dagokio. 

Laukote hau estatu batuarra da, eta entzungo dugun kantak, "More than words", 80. eta 90. hamarkadan taldeari ospea eman zion.
Benetan ederra da! Fijatu zaitezte nola kokatzen duten ahotsa goiko soinuak lortzeko...


Saying I love you 
Is not the words I want to hear from you 
It's not that I want you 
Not to say, but, if you only knew 
How easy, it would be to show me how you feel 
More than words, is all you have to do to make it real 
Then you wouldn't have to say, that you love me 
Cos I'd already know 

What would you do, if my heart was torn in two 
More than words to show you feel 
That your love for me is real 
What would you say, if I took those words away 
Then you couldn't make things new 
Just by saying I love you 

More than words... 

Now that I've tried to, talk to you and make you understand 
All you have to do is close your eyes 
And just reach out your hands, and touch me 
Hold me close don't ever let me go 
More than words, is all I ever needed you to show 
Then you wouldn't have to say, that you love me 
Cos I'd already know 

More than words... 

More than words...

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